Junru Pang

Ph.D. Student
Advisor: Katie Fitzismons
I am interested in employing human-robot interaction to improve robot imitation learning ability. I am also interested in the design of human-Guided Robot Learning System to simpfy the teaching process and increase the accessibility of imitation learning. My work currently focuses on interpreting and incorporating human feedback to current robot learning models.
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Rochester Inistitute of Technology, 2021
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, China Agricultural University, 2019
Ergodic Imitation with Corrections: Learning from Implicit Information in Human Feedback (Submission)
J. Pang, Q. Anderson-Watson, K, Fitzsimons
Human Guided Robot Learning: A Sysmetic Review (In Progress)
Online Update ProMP: Learning from What not to do and Human Feedback (In Progress)