Katie Fitzsimons

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Reber 326
+1 (814) 863-5821
Curriculum Vitae
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Department Profile
Professor Fitzsimons' research focuses on computational methods in human-machine interaction, robot learning from demonstration, and haptics, with applications in neuroscience, health science, robotics, and robot learning. Example applications include assistive exoskeleton control, information-based haptic feedback, and robot learning from multimodal human feedback.
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, 2020
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, 2017
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State University, 2013
Professor Fitzsimons taught ME 340---Mechanical Engineering Design Methodology---in Spring 2021 in a hybrid mode. The course centers around a semester-long project. She will teach this course in-person in Spring 2022 with student designing and fabricating a line-following robot---culminating in a final race! At Northwestern, she co-developed and co-instructed the first iteration of ME 455---a class on active learning in robotics.
See the Publications page.