Human-Centered Robotics Lab

Aidan King


Undergraduate Student
Advisor: Katie Fitzsimons


This is my first semester as part of the Human Centered Robotics lab. Currently, my research is focused on the creation and making of a VR haptic glove that is intended to be used by individuals to provide stimulated physical feedback when a user interacts with an object while in a VR environment. The creation of the glove will be based heavily on the work of an open-source user on GitHub; this provides the foundations of the structure. However, over the course of the semester, I will focus the majority of my time on the creation of a structure to hold our VR remote and ways to increase the adjustability of the original design.


B.S Mechanical Engineering, Penn State University
Expected Graduation: May 2025

Awards and Honors

PSU Mechanical Engineering Shuman Scholarship, 2022
Rudy Scholz Award Finalist, 2022


Penn State Rugby Team Tutoring, 2022

Other Interests

Openside Flanker for the Penn State Mens Rugby Team